I just Played it Again, Even Faved It Since I Think it's AWESOME!!! Title is One of the DUMBEST EVER Though!!! "Numb Shaking Orgasms" is a Non Sequitur if there EVER WAS ONE!!! Then their SAD EXCUSE for Artificial Intelligence Parses the Title and does Mix & Match with the Words to Create New Tags such as "Numb", "Shaking" and "Shaking Pussy" among Others -- Maybe They've CHANGED "AI" to MEAN "Artificial Idiocy"!!! Back to the Non Sequitur -- She was NEVER Numb and Can ANYONE CLAIM to Have EVER HAD a Numb Orgasm?!!! I FEEL A LOT during an Orgasm but NEVER NUMB!!!! ????
She said it would be unethical showing the house with a vibrator in her pussy. Who says that? Capitalism breaks any laws of ethics in the search of profit and wealth.